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Follow-up | Follow-through | Follow-back! I am committed to delivering the Pinnacle of Service Excellence in the Sale and Letting of Residential Property #realresults.
My core focus areas are Radiokop and Wilgeheuwel.
I have dedicated myself as a Property Consultant and thrive within the Jawitz Properties Family. My career in Real Estate started 2016, I have had tremendous success to-date having a keen understanding, involvement and vested interest in my client interactions. I pride myself in delivering innovative and viable solutions in all my negotiations, marketing and networking activities. Real Estate is a fast-moving industry, as a Property Consultant I consistently deliver more than what is expected. Always.
Real Estate, to me - is all about people and their best interests. I believe a Property Consultant must have the highest level of respect and awareness in that we deal with families, their dreams, journeys and are an integral part of what is to most - their biggest financial investment. Your Home. This must be dealt with a level of care, sound advice and directness #realaboutrealestate.
I am humbled by the fact that I get to work in a field in which I am excited, enthusiastic and energetic about. Every day. 7-days a week.