Want to be your own boss? Consider becoming a Jawitz franchisee.

Being self-employed is a rewarding way of life for those with drive, entrepreneurial spirit and the desire for a career that can be as flexible as it is lucrative. The real estate industry has much to give an enthusiastic entrepreneur, and Jawitz Properties offers a dynamic franchise opportunity. We caught up with Franchise Director, Russell Berkman and Franchise Manager, Eon Du Toit, to bring you all the information you need if you're thinking about becoming a Jawitz franchisee. 

What is involved in the process of becoming a Jawitz franchisee?

"For starters, you must be a real estate principal and hold the relevant NQF 5 qualification," explains Russell. "Alternatively, you must have an NQF 5 Principal who will be a senior member of your management team. The first step in opening a franchise is finding an area that you are familiar with and passionate about." 

Eon details the next steps involved in opening a franchise. "You'll need to complete an application form (which you can get by emailing eon@jawitz.co.za), and put together a business plan as well as a cash flow projection, which Jawitz Properties will assist you with."

"Once approval has been granted and you are officially a new Jawitz franchisee, you'll need to secure approved office premises and get all the business-related documents organised," he continues. "The last step before you start trading is to finalise an opening date and training schedules."

What type of personality makes a successful franchisee?

Both Eon and Russell emphasise that the most important characteristic of a successful franchisee is that he or she is a "people's person" who is willing to go the extra mile. "This is the core foundation upon which the Jawitz Properties brand is built," comments Russell. "A successful franchisee will be dynamic, ambitious and innovative."

A successful franchisee in the real estate field will have a lot in common with any other entrepreneur: You will need to be driven, resilient and have hands-on ability. "You will need the ability to develop a highly professional sales team and to explore every opportunity that comes along," explains Eon.

What advice and tips would you offer to a new franchisee?

According to Eon, the first step is to research the area in which you would like to operate. "You'll need to know how to approach the area, and how to expand your market", he explains. "Integrity and the superb service that you provide will be half your success." Eon stresses the importance of thinking out of the box, being innovative and managing expenses to get optimal results. 

To this, Russell adds that it is important to be committed to the long haul. "Be sure to have written a well-thought-out business plan. You will need to dedicate significant time and resources, as success comes not instantly, but with hard work and time." He also mentions the importance of investing in yourself, your people and ongoing marketing. "Get involved in your community," he urges. "Give back to your community and be obsessed with high levels of customer service."

Why should somebody wanting to buy a real estate franchise choose Jawitz?

In Eon's words, Jawitz is not the largest, but it is the best! "Jawitz is a well-established brand that provides excellent service to franchisees, as well as the best in-house training in the market," he explains. To this, he adds that Jawitz franchises are affordable and boast an excellent reputation in the market. "The name Jawitz is synonymous with loyalty, quality, integrity and exceptional service. What franchisee would not want to be associated with these values?" he asks. 

In addition, Russell points out that having been established in 1969, Jawitz Properties is a highly regarded brand. "We offer ongoing management support and guidance, professional marketing support, the latest technology and ongoing people development and training. There are constant opportunities to learn and grow your business."

Being a Jawitz franchisee is a career option which offers opportunities, unlimited support and the chance to become an integral part of a community. For more information about our franchise programme, contact Eon Du Toit on 082 859 7963 or eon@jawitz.co.za.


24 Feb 2021
Author Jawitz Properties
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