Semigration considerations: things to think about before making your move

The idea of semigrating to a different part of the country - preferably a part with less crime and views that take your breath away - is an idea that has become hugely popular among South Africans. While it is often a good idea to relocate - whether you're heading to Cape Town or a coastal idyll - there is much to be considered before you decide to make the move. Jawitz Properties considers some of the factors that you'll need to bear in mind before making your move.

Employment prospects - current and future

Thanks to changes brought about by COVID-19, many companies have introduced remote working, giving many employed people the flexibility to think about moving to other parts of the country. An important thing to consider, however, is your future career prospects. If you had to be retrenched or become unhappy in your current job, how easy would it be to find another job in your new area? Remote working is still in its infancy in South Africa, and many employers require their team to be at the office every day - or at least on certain days every week. In most industries, a move to a big city like Cape Town will not limit your career prospects, but those who have relocated to smaller towns or cities may find it more difficult to further their careers.

Real estate in your new city

It's important to take a look at property values and areas in your new city. For example, if you're considering a move from Durban or Johannesburg to Cape Town, you are likely to find that properties within your price range may offer smaller homes and erven. Before you make the big move, spend some time researching the areas of the town or city that you're considering relocating to, and make sure that your budget will cover the type of property that will enable your family to live the kind of lives that you are used to.

Considering friends, family members and children

Ultimately, the decision of where you want to live must be yours and yours alone. However, if you are part of a close-knit extended family, it's worth considering the difficulty of potentially living far from ageing parents, siblings, family members and close friends. It's also important to consider how you and other members of your family will be able to become part of your new community. If you're passionate about a hobby, will you be able to continue to enjoy this pastime in your new locale? Are there schools in your new area that will meet your children's needs?

The advantages of semigrating

Having considered the potential challenges that come with semigration, it's also important to consider the advantages of relocating within South Africa. Here are a few of the top benefits that semigrants reap:

  • Access to the most beautiful parts of South Africa, including breathtaking coastal towns and cities.
  • Life in coastal towns or other semigration destinations often means escaping the hectic pace of city life and long arduous commutes.
  • Buying property in semigration destinations can mean more affordable properties, which translates to more space for you and your family to enjoy.
  • Depending on where you choose to semigrate to, you could get to live in a safer and more prosperous part of the country.

Whether you're thinking of semigrating or simply moving around the corner, Jawitz Properties is here to help. With a presence in every corner of South Africa, we are your ideal property partner. Contact us for all the assistance you'll need in buying or selling property.

06 Dec 2022
Author Jawitz Properties
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