Sellers can gain a competitive edge if they stop thinking like sellers, and instead start thinking like buyers, says Francois Venter, Director of Jawitz Properties. “There are some steps sellers can take to make their homes more attractive to buyers and so increase their chances of selling sooner rather than later.

“The first step is to be sure your home is appropriately priced to the market. Determine if your price is attracting a steady flow of buyers, and how your property competes with others that are on the market in your area.”

He says that sellers should visit the show days of neighbouring homes for sale. “Find out what prices these properties are going for, what the homes comprise of and what condition they’re in.”

Another great step to get ahead is to have your home inspected by professionals (ie. electricians, plumbers) so you will be able to fix any problems before your home goes on the market, and alert buyers to what has been fixed.  Alternatively, if you can’t afford to get the problems fixed, at least you can alert buyers to any faults on your property. “This is a good way to curb any potential hiccups you could face in terms of the Consumer Protection Act. If you are able to honestly disclose those faults to buyers you will be safeguarded against any future complaints or legal issues pertaining to those faults,” says Venter.

“If there are any changes you could make to improve your property or you have some ideas on how you could improve the space, offering architectural drawings or approved plans can also entice buyers.”

If you keep your garden tidy, your wooden window frames and doors varnished, and your exterior walls well painted, your home will look more attractive to buyers.

Venter says first impressions count, so be sure to keep your property tidy, uncluttered, clean and smelling nice.

“Be sure to fix any eye-catching problems in your home as these will be the first noticed by prospective buyers,” Venter concludes.

06 Jun 2013
Author Jawitz Website
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