5 reasons to view a property twice

You've found an advert for the property of your dreams, contacted the agent and gone to have a look at it. It ticks all the boxes for you and your family, and the only thing left to do is sign on the dotted line...right? Wrong. The Jawitz Properties team strongly recommends that you view a property at least twice before you sign an offer to purchase agreement - and here are five reasons why having a second look before you sign the legally binding offer to purchase is of the utmost importance.

  1. A second viewing gives you a chance to see the property at a different time of day

If your first viewing was in the morning, make your second viewing in the afternoon or vice versa. This will give you a chance to see what natural light does at different times of the day and what noise levels are like. A second viewing can also give you an indication of what traffic is like at different times of the day. Another great idea is to drive past the property in the evening - preferably over a weekend - to get an idea of what the noise levels and lighting can be like at night.

  1. Have a friend or family member take a look with you

Choosing your home is an emotional decision and it can be a smart idea to get an unbiased view from somebody who's not emotionally involved in the property transaction. They may pick up certain things that you've missed or notice things that may not be ideal about the property.

  1. A second viewing means a chance to take a second (and closer) look

Your first visit to any property is about first impressions and overall appearances. Coming back a second time gives you a chance to look at the minutiae of the property and the finer details. Do the taps all work? What does that oddly-positioned light switch do? What additions, alterations and repairs will we need to do to truly make this our dream home? If the property comes with stairs, are they easy to get up and down?

In a nutshell, your second visit to the potential home enables you to answer all the questions that will have been occupying your mind since your first visit. If you've got serious renovations in mind, it would be a great idea to take an expert with you to help you ascertain whether you could make your dreams for this property come true. An engineer or builder will be able to tell you whether that wall you're interested in removing is loadbearing and whether the plans you're making in your mind's eye can be made into reality.

  1. If there's a garden, your second viewing will give a good indication of the extent and the amount of work involved.

If a garden has been staged to attract would-be buyers, it may be easy to admire its beauty without thinking too much about the work that will go into maintaining it. Use your second property viewing to think about the garden (and pool if applicable) carefully. Think about the time and cost involved in maintaining the exterior of your home.

  1. Ask questions about the property

It's likely that you've thought of at least ten questions that you'd like to ask the real estate agent who is selling the property. Don't be afraid to use your second viewing as an opportunity to ask these questions - it is his or her responsibility to answer and assist with them. You can ask about everything from the history of the property and how long the current owner has lived there to amenities in the area and any knowledge of possible future developments.

Whatever stage of the property purchase process you're at - from finding your dream home to going for a second or third look at it - the Jawitz Properties team is here to help you on your home journey. Allow our extensive knowledge and decades of real estate experience to simplify your process of becoming a homeowner. Contact us today.

24 Nov 2021
Author Jawitz Properties
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